The official clock of the "Country Club". |
“Do we have to go home?” This was the question of the day on Sunday. “Is it mandatory to go to school? What if we just stay here?” That was another question asked to me when I said we have to go home today. And what kid would want to go home after having the time of their young spring? We were at my parent’s house in Northern New Mexico, my childhood home. With so many things to do like keep the wood fire burning, working on the tractor, branding the calves, riding the horse, looking for the wild turkeys, and driving the mule (4x4), what kid would want to come home. Oh, I forgot to mention eating Gamama’s cooking and hanging out at Papa’s new Country Club which happened to be one of the more popular things to do. The “Country Club” is a converted sheep pen/chicken coop/storage shed to a cozy man cave. With thick adobe walls made by my grandfather way back when, it has withstood the wind and weather of Northeastern New Mexico. So far, it has withstood the growing Chinese Elms threatening to push up its walls. Inside is a couple of tables with various tools and projects, some art work, chairs and in the center is a cool old cast iron stove found at a garage sale. In the early morning it was nice to retreat into the warmth of the “Country Club”. This was the base used by the kids after eating breakfast each morning. They would rush out and gather inside, making plans for the day. The plans usually involved a horse, a mule a dog and a tractor all led by big brother Ben. When the playing was done, it was time to work. And when the work was done, it was time to eat. When they finished eating, it was time to play again, and so on until darkness came and it was time to relax and watch some cartoons.
On the ride home, it was pretty quite as they were tired from all the playing, working and all the planning they did for the next trip down. There are plans of Big Ben staying a few weeks during the summer to help out around the house and to maybe learn how to drive the truck and the tractor. Maybe a few days can be spent fishing. Or maybe just some time spent at the "Country Club" escaping the summer heat behind those thick adobe walls.

This was from an old wagon tongue.
This is the type of clock that my dad makes.
I spent many a time staring at this painting/drawing as a kid and it is one of my favorites.
The walls at the Country Club are a bit "rough", but can withstand the years.
The official heater. This was a great garage sale find. It's pretty awesome.
Canadian River, NM
Jack and Jamie bustin through the brush.
We spooked out this Jack Rabbit. Jamie said they should be called "Fast Rabbits".
Jamie riding "Poncho"
She loves that horse!
And she even has the "cowboots" to prove she is a cowgirl!
It is pretty harsh out here. The wind always blows and tears things away.
This is one of my favorite things to see every time I go back. I don't think this post is going anywhere.