Thursday, January 21, 2010

I am doing a fly tying demo!

Well it's my turn to get behind the vise at Ghillies and show off my skills that I have learned by watching all the others go before me. I have been lucky to see so many great tiers tie, it has really made a difference in my tying. I look at their flies and notice certain things they do differently than I do. When I go home, I give them a try and some make a difference and some don't. I have made changes to incorporate them into my tying style. 

This weekend, I will be tying up some South Platte River favorites. Some will be standard patterns and some will be some of my original patterns. I plan to tie: RS2, Ice Emerger, Glossy Back Baetis, Graphic Caddis, X-Caddis, 180 degree Caddis, Parachutes and The Hopper Juan. So come on by and check it out. I plan to step up and show you some of the nicest flies out there.

Ghillies Fly Shop
Colorado Springs, CO
3314 Austin Bluffs Pkwy

January 23


  1. Enjoy the demo Juan! I'm sure the visitors will.

    I love your RS2's... and it's great to be bale to click on the images and get up close and personal with your patterns.

    Inspired by your post, I'll be tying up a batch of #26 WD-40's this weekend.


  2. Hola que tal.
    Siempre me resulto un montaje muy "minimalista", peso a ello doy fe de su eficacia.
    Mi estilo de montaje se basa en patrones mas tradicionales con la premisa que utilizo al maximo los materiales "naturales" en detrimento de los artificiales.
    La ninfa tiene muy buena pinta y no dudo de que es muy pescadora.
    Yo me considero afortunado por residir en España donde tenemos la gran fortuna de que podemos utilizar la mosca seca para pescar durante toda la temporada con garantias de exito.
    Un saludo
