After a way-too long hiatis from standing in a river, waving a stick, I was finally able to get out today. Lately, I've been super busy at work and at home. By the time Saturday rolls around, I am so tired, I just don't have the motivation to go fishing. Am I the only one who feels this way? I hope not. Recently, my car has been acting up also. It has been a great car over the last 10 years, but it is finally showing it's age. I picked it up form the shop yesterday and it ran great. It ran great to the river today, but on the way back, it was still acting up a bit. Anyone looking for a used car?
As soon as I hit the water, it was on! I broke off my first fish which ate a BHFB PT nymph and the re-tied with a shop van nymph. I figured they would eat that pattern just as easily as a tungsten BHFB PT. The shop van is easier and cheaper to tie. I was right. They ate it just fine. It was about 50/50 with the Mercury RS2 I had on trailing the Shop Vac. In about 45 minutes, I had landed or almost landed about 15 fish. Not bad. Throughout the day, that combo worked until the high sun pushed the fish down a bit. Still they ate well. Later in the day, I threw some dries. Not much happening there. Back to nymphs. A caddis pupa and a Prince nymph moved a couple of fish, but since there were now a few clouds filtering the sun, I switched the Prince to a #20 Chocolate Foam Back Emerger as I figured those fish would switch immediately to BWO emergers. Again, I was right in my assumption as the 2nd and 3rd and 4th cast produced fish. About 12 fish later, I retired the Foam Back Emerger. I was also ready to retire for the day. A great day on the water with perfect water and perfect weather. It was good.
BHFB PT Nymph moved a few fish this morning. |
This one ate a #20 Mercury RS2. The hook came out in the net. |
Lunch Time! |
2nd most popular pattern of the day. #20 Chocolate Foam Back Emerger. |
Does it get any better than this? |