Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Fly Tying Class-Techniques for Tying and Fishing Midges

This Friday, 12/03/10, I will start my fly tying class series.  The first class is "Techniques for Tying and Fishing Midges".  This class will go beyond showing you a few flies that are good for fishing.  The idea is to talk about different situations for these and other fly patterns.  Having a well stocked fly box is only part of the equation.  Presentation and technique will help to land those fish that are eating and make winter fishing productive.  So stop by at Ghillies Fly Shop, now located in downtown Colorado Springs, and see what these classes are all about.  Cost is $25.00 and the class runs from 6:30-8:30pm. All materials are provided.  Classes feature HD video projection for easy viewing.  Call to sign up!  719-531-5413.

Oh, and I have a new poll on the right side bar. ----->


  1. Juan
    I am still debating on weather or not I have the time to sit and tie flies. I have no free time in the spring, summer, or fall because fishing takes up most of my days.

  2. Juan, do you have a material list or at least some of the materials we might bring?

  3. Bill,

    Where are you getting your flies from then? Do you tie your own? What about the winter time? Do you tie then?


  4. Avril,

    Bring your black threads, your small hooks, your A game and your friends! X-small wire in 2 colors, some krystal flash, and maybe a light. I'll bring the rest. Sorry I don't have a better list.

  5. Juan
    I order all my flies out of North Carolina, ,53 a piece. Check out my latest post which will gives you some of the links I use to buy flies and great deals on Temple Fork Rods. Enjoyed the post.
