Friday, November 20, 2009

Tying Demo with Vincent Su

Vincent Su will be at Ghillies Fly Shop on Friday November 21st from 10:00am-12:00pm.  Vincent is from Denver Colorado and is one of the best tiers in the area.  He is also the inventor of the 720 vise.  You may have seen this vise, if not click here for his website.  He can tie some amazing flies on his vise and makes tying parachutes look super easy.  I guess they are if you use the 720 vise.  Come check him out and see his super mad skills in action.  You will be impressed!!

Ghillies Fly Shop
3314 Austin Bluffs Pkwy
Colorado Springs, CO

Projected on HDTV.

Size 30 Extended body parachute tied perfectly!

Para mayfly.


  1. Vincent had an impressive tying demo today. I told Gary to hold a 720 vise for me when they come in. I think when I get one, it may make your classes obsolete though. The 720 vise virtually ties perfect flies by itself!

  2. These might just be on "backorder" for a while! You are right though, they do make it look easy to tie. I may have to "demo" one for myself.

  3. Are you getting the "New" version he's got coming? That could be the back order issue.
