Monday, April 18, 2011

Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner.

Random Drawing 04.18.11 from Juan Ramirez on Vimeo.
Here is the winner announcement for the first drawing of 2011.


  1. Darm them random numbers.

  2. Hi Juan - you should check out Snapz Pro from Ambrosia software. It's a screen capture utility that you might find useful for your little clips, like the one you have posted.

  3. I'm excited to get my free stuff! Thanks for holding this drawing Juan.

  4. Snapz is good, it is free on bit torrent.

  5. That is always off by one or two. Im gonna have to email them and see what the hecks wrong..

    Cool deal Juan!

  6. Thanks fellas!
    C.A.-I wish I could get something like Snapz Pro, but for $70.00 just to let you yahoos know you won something free! Unless someone wants to buy it for me, I'll stick to the cheesy video. I didn't know something like that existed, so thanks for sharing. Maybe when I get rich, I'll get it. :)
    Josh-I am sure will enjoy hearing from you about this matter. How about we try it again for something different? Say some Scott and MFC swag? Deal? Ok, Deal.
