Saturday, August 8, 2009

Not enough fishing.

Well, I would love to report to all the followers out there that I have been so busy fishing, out traveling the roads, in search of that perfect hatch, that one big brown that showed himself right beside the over hanging grass eating PMD emergers, but no, that has not been the case. Fishing has taken a backseat to the more important things in life such as school shopping, family life, and grocery shopping. In between everything that should get done, I have been tying like crazy to keep up with demand for my flies. I have sent flies to Pennsylvania, and Denver with more to go out soon. It's amazing to think of how many fish have been caught on flies that I have tied. Some of my flies are carried in Ghillies Fly Shop and they have started to get in demand. I can hardly keep up with what is needed and not to mention of flies like BWOs that are needed in the Fall. I like to stay at least one step ahead, but right now, I am two steps behind! My own fly boxes needed a little attention a few weeks ago , so I sat down and tied for myself. That was nice to see all those empty slots filled up with new flies that I could catch fish on.

I was able to get out this past Friday to Cheeseman Canyon. It's a beautiful canyon filled with lots of fish. I caught a 19 1/2" Rainbow on a dry that I almost spooked. What an awesome sight it was to see him sllooowwlllyyy rise to the fly.

I was able to get into a good many fish that day using my BH Glossy Back Baetis. I will try to put up a tutorial of that fly soon. As soon as I can get one step ahead.


  1. Hi Juan, I perfectly know how you feel, cause I'm busy as well gettin' my hometown festivals ready. I haven't fished for some weeks so I feel like going fishing as soon as possible.
    Have good fishing and good business with your fantastic flies.
    Greetings. Fernando ( Spanish).

  2. Dittos. I'm getting the DT's....need some fishing......ohhhhh....Isn't it amazing how life gets in the way of the things which makes life worthwhile?!
